The ABCs of an Existential Crisis at the End of the World Due to a Rapidly-Approaching, Unavoidable Asteriod Headed Straight Toward Earth
2nd Edition

Art book, 2024

“The ABCs of an Existential Crisis at the End of the World Due to a Rapidly-Approaching, Unavoidable Asteroid Headed Straight Toward Earth” (shown here in digital form) is a text-based art book which tells the story of a single person’s emotional crisis in their last hours before the apocalypse, told within the format of a traditional ABC book. Through the juxtaposition of the childlike ABC book structure with a narrative exploring the weighty topics of death, loneliness, and regret, the book plays with the intersection between the absurd and the serious to ultimately explore deeply emotional issues in a light, playful manner.
(First Edition)

cecile fountain-jardim